Yuvviki Dioh «Ja, aber woher kommst du wirklich?» Da geht es nicht um Höflichkeit, sondern um Hautfarbe, die als nicht schweizerisch empfunden… Continue reading “Yuvviki Dioh”…
LaTosha Brown LaTosha Brown is an American community organizer, political strategist, and consultant. She is the co-founder of Black Voters Matter, a voting rights… Continue reading “LaTosha Brown”…
Transgender Day National Transgender Day of Remembrance on Friday, November 20, 2020. 2020 has been the deadliest year on record for transgender… Continue reading “Transgender Day”…
The oldest university is in Africa, founded by a woman If you ever assumed that the oldest university in the world is in Europe or China, then kindly come again… Continue reading “The oldest university is in Africa, founded by a woman”…
Racist Advertisement VW «An extremely racist advertisement is currently circulating on Instagram, which was published by the automobile manufacturer VW.» Auf Instagram kursiert… Continue reading “Racist Advertisement VW”…
Ban on Rafiki movie The film was banned on the grounds that it promoted homosexuality in the country where gay sex is a criminal… Continue reading “Ban on Rafiki movie”…
Rassismus nimmt in CH zu Letztes Jahr wurden in der Schweiz 352 Rassismus-Fälle gemeldet. Das entspricht einem Anstieg von 27 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr. Am… Continue reading “Rassismus nimmt in CH zu”…