Vlogs: Triggerwarning!
Watch these videocasts which we started on 6th of February 2020 about the political arena of the African Diaspora in Switzerland.
Every month you get to watch a new interview, sometimes even a series, pre-recorded or live through Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. We already have 20 great videos! Have a peek…
10 – Clapping back is selfcare
9 – The Terminology «of African Descent»
8 – Coping Mechanisms
7 – Erasing Black History in CH
6 – Non-Binary and sexual attraction
10 – Clapping back is selfcare
Yvonne Apiyo Brändle-Amolo & Eddie Ramirez: Most of us go through discrimination and struggle to exist through it without realising that one of the key ingredients to surviving these situations is taking care of yourself - self care! Findout more in our Vlog. -
9 – The Terminology «of African Descent»
Yvonne Apiyo Brändle-Amolo & Eddie Ramirez: The terminology «of African Descent» is one that causes confusion among a lot of people. For example we have Indians, the Siddis who are of African descent which sounds very special. In this Vlog we breakdown the terminology in a way that makes it easy to understand. www.africandescent.ch https://africandescent.ch/vlogs/ (Video & Editing Ida Schmieder, bildab) -
8 – Coping Mechanisms
Rolling Eddie and Apiyo Brändle-Amolo have a talk among coping mechanisms. Part 3 of our series in Intersectionality... Apiyo and Edwin discuss dealing with discrimination, his coping mechanisms! We all have different ways of dealing with events or phases of life that are meaningful or difficult... -
7 – Erasing Black History in CH
Apiyo and Edwin are talking about the lack of positive narratives of black people the his/her-story of Switzerland! -
6 – Non-Binary and sexual attraction
So when you are attracted to someone, you are not attracted to somebody because they are male or female but you are attracted to the person or the character or how does this work?
20 Vlog January 2021, Apiyo and Martina Big; Pandoras Box: Like Transgender
19 Vlog December 2020, Apiyo and Martina Big; Pandoras Box: Racism experiences
18 Vlog December2020, Apiyo and Martina Big; Pandoras Box: Sarah Baartmann
17 Vlog November 2020, Apiyo and Martina Big; Pandoras Box: Standing on the Shoulders of Pamela
16 Vlog November 2020, Apiyo and Martina Big; Pandoras Box: Gatekeeping Blackness
15 Vlog November 2020, Apiyo and Martina Big; Pandoras Box: Tokenism – How many Black friends do you have?
14 Vlog November 2020, Apiyo and Martina Big; Pandoras Box: Why the black race?
13 Vlog November 2020, Apiyo and Martina Big; Pandoras Box: Intro
12 Vlog Friday 22.05. Apiyo and Amin Diare Conde, Unsang hero of COVID19
Download the Transcript: PDF Unsang Hero
11 Vlog Friday 17.4., Edited 13.5, Apiyo and Eddie Ramirez, Future Projects
Download the Transcript: PDF Future Projects
10 Vlog Friday 17.4., Edited 13.5, Apiyo and Eddie Ramirez, Clap back
Download the Transcript: PDF Clap back
9 Vlog Friday 17.4., Edited 7.5, Apiyo and Eddie Ramirez, African Descent – Terminology
Download the Transcript with additional Links: PDF Terminology
8 Vlog Friday 17.4., Edited 7.5, Apiyo and Eddie Ramirez, Erasing black history in Switzerland
Download the Transcript with additional Links: PDF Black History
7 Vlog Friday 17.4., Edited 7.5, Apiyo and Eddie Ramirez, Coping mechanisms, among queer blacks
Download the Transcript with additional Links: PDF Coping Mechanisms
6 Vlog Friday 17 April, Apiyo and Eddie Ramirez, Non-binary and sexual attraction, among queer blacks
Download the Transcript: PDF (Non-binary)
5 Vlog Friday 17 April, Apiyo and Eddie Ramirez, Intersectionality among queer blacks
Download the Transcript of the PDF (Intersectionality)
4 Vlog Friday 3 April, Apiyo talks about Zivilschutz and Corona, besides that, what has dance to do with it?
3 Vlog Tuesday 24 March, Apiyo talks about the postponed African Descent Festival and the Corona Pandemie.
2 Vlog Saturday 8 February, Apiyo und Sarah Akanji are talking about football and attitudes, Kantonsrätin Winterthur.
1 Vlog Thursday 6 February, Apiyo Amolo the first talk.